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Along The Way

As seen in the HEARTbeat and Village Voice

“Along the Way”


            Traveling the interstates and backroads of our great country used to be huge.  State tourism agencies were established in the 1950’s and 60’s to help each state realize the highest level of tourism income they could.  Take for example our great state of Arkansas.  Did you know, if you put a wall around the state, it would be the only one among the contiguous 48 that is self-sustaining?  We have (big breath) coal deposits, oil deposits, rare earth mineral deposits, natural gas deposits, natural spring water sources, elk, bear, white-tail deer, the duck hunting capital of North America, turkey, cold and warm water game fishing, the only state park diamond mine in North America, the largest rice producing state in the nation, soybeans, corn, wheat…..(and I’m out of breath).  But traveling in Arkansas is no different than in any other state.  Our nation is very diverse from coastal states to the plains states to the mountain states to the desert states.  The United States is truly a diverse, site-filled nation ready to be explored even by the most modern of explorer.

            Those who do explore the States in an RV usually have stickers on the back of every state they have visited.  Some RVs I’ve seen have picked up a huge number of stickers.  It also used to be a habit of travelers to pick up shot-glasses from each state.  I don’t have a shot glass or bumper sticker from each state, but I have visited 44 of the 48 contiguous states, so I can accurately state each one has its own personality and sites to see.

            Gathering mementos as memories of our travels is a way to remember.  As Christians, what should we be gathering along the path God has us traveling?  Can you remember a person who you led to Christ?  Can you remember witnessing to someone who wanted to know more about this Jesus you know?  When we walk and talk as if we are in the royal priesthood of God, people who need to hear about God will be drawn to us.  I guess this begs the question, are we walking in this manner?

            Just before Jesus ascended into the heavens, He tasked the apostles to GO!  More specifically He said, “Go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you” (emphasis added).  To teach, we must first know.  To go, we must first be available.  Gathering along our path to Heaven is basically a requirement given us by Jesus Himself.

            I don’t know what it will be like when we stand before God and account for our lives.  A retired pastor friend of mine says it like this.  “God will not ask us what we have done for Him, but who did we bring with us to His Heaven?”  Get to know God and His Son through scripture.  Then tell folks about Them as we gather people in our worldly travels.  Whose life will you touch today?


  Mountainside Church · 301 Elcano Drive
Hot Springs Village · AR 71909

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