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Humble Beginnings

As seen in the HEARTbeat and the Village Voice

“Humble Beginnings”

                 Great men and women in history have had humble beginnings.  Gen. Douglas MacArthur was born at an out-of-the-way tiny military arsenal in none other than Little Rock, Arkansas.  From these humble beginnings he rose to be one of the most famous military leaders this nation has ever seen.  Amelia Earhart was born in Atchison, Kansas to a father who was a judge and attorney, but was away from home a great deal serving as a claims adjuster for the railroad during her formative years.  As a result, Amelia and her sister grew up around their grandparents and rose to aeronautical prominence.

One other leader of note was President Harry S. Truman.  Born in Lamar, Missouri, President Truman retired from the presidency of the U.S. to his beloved state.  He stayed in the public eye by receiving correspondence from many Americans.  You see, President Truman answered every letter that was sent to him and paid for the postage out of his own pocket, causing him to struggle financially.  It was because of this, congress passed the Former President’s Act in 1958 to help with the public persona expenses.  President Truman truly had humble beginnings, a rise to prominence, and a return to humble living.

We celebrate the humble beginnings of another man during this time of year.  But in this celebration, we must contemplate exactly where he came from.  Unlike those aforementioned individuals who had humble beginnings, this man sat in a throne room.  He is responsible for the majestic creation of things we enjoy every day.  Opulence and grandeur surrounded this man.  But he was no ordinary man; he was a king who was sent on a mission.  This mission was derived by his father to save the very creation he was responsible for.  This mission concentrated on the most important part of creation – mankind.

Yes, Jesus came from the very throne room in heaven, the place whereby God created the heavens and the earth through Him.  John 1:1 and following says, “In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. He was with God in the beginning.  Through him all things were made; without him nothing was made that has been made.”  God through Jesus created everything, including mankind.

Jesus left His throne to come to earth as a baby.  He went from the grandeur of heaven to the humble beginnings of saving mankind from eternal separation from God the Father because of sin.  He accomplished His mission, but only for those who choose to accept His free gift of eternal life by recognizing His sacrifice.

Jesus had humble beginnings here on earth, but none in history stooped so far to humble themselves!  Why did He do it?  He did it because He loves us so much.

Praise God for humble beginnings.  We all have them.  But oh what a place we will see one day, a place Jesus has built just for us.  Again I say, praise God the Son for the perfect example of humble beginnings.



  Mountainside Church · 301 Elcano Drive
Hot Springs Village · AR 71909

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