20/07/2022 by Rev. Doug Walker 0 Comments
World Peace
As seen in the HEARTbeat and the Village Voice
“World Peace”
When I hear those words, I think of the movie “Miss Congeniality” starring
Sandra Bullock. The comedy included such stars as William Shatner, Michael Caine, and
Candice Bergen. Bullock’s character, Gracie Hart, is an FBI agent who goes undercover
in a beauty pageant. The other girls are graceful and talented, walking as if they walked on
air. Agent Hart is anything but graceful, which makes her name “Gracie” even more
comical. She is rough tomboy who has trouble just walking on high heels! Somehow
she doesn’t blow her cover even though it’s plain to see she didn’t grow up traveling the
pageant circuit.
During the interview scene, each contestant comes forward to be interviewed by
the emcee played by William Shatner. Each gives the same old “feel-good” answers
finalized by “World Peace.” When Gracie comes forward, she gives answers that make
the other contestants as well as the audience gasp. Silence falls over the auditorium and
she fears her cover has just been blown, and so do her fellow agents standing just off-
stage. Then as the silence hangs in the air as if it were a huge tree about to topple, Gracie
gives her final response to make the world a better place, a response given by every other
pageant contestant. She says, “Oh, and world peace.” The crowd erupts in applause, her
fellow agents finally exhale in relief, and Gracie awkwardly turns on her high heels and
walks back to her place among the other contestants.
Is world peace a concept we throw around to make people and us feel good or is it
something we truly desire? Some people just thrive on controversary. They are
constantly “stirring the pot.” And if there are no controversies, they will make one up!
And don’t get me started on reality TV. These shows are nothing more than chaos and
controversy created for TV. And of course, my favorite saying is, “Reality TV isn’t!”
Can we find peace? I would say we can, but then that begs the question, where?
We can look at instance after instance in the Bible where people had encounters with
Jesus. The Samaritan woman at the well, the woman caught in adultery brought before
Jesus, the blind man who Jesus rubbed mud on his eyes and restored his sight, and many
more. If would be safe to say, after their encounters with Jesus they felt peace. Why?
Were their troubles gone? No, because they still lived in this world! What they had was
a new perspective on it.
I don’t think peace is the absence of turmoil and controversy. I think having
peace in the midst of turmoil is the pure peace we should desire. There will always be
turmoil in this world, but there is only one place to find peace while we are in the world,
and that is an encounter with Jesus Christ. As the sign says on the church I pass every
day, “No Jesus, no peace. Know Jesus, know peace!” Go find your true peace. Search for
Him and you will find Him!